Day 9: Mind Training: How to make decisions you don't know how to make

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2022

How to make decisions you don't know how to make because you care so much you don't want to hurt anyone, disappoint anyone, and more than anything, you are mentally exhausted. You are so much in your head. You make so many decisions in a day. When it comes to your lightweight decisions, you constantly have to choose, and your heavy-weighted decisions become gigantic, and it is hard to wrap your mind around them. Your mental capacity is burdened; SHOVE IT!

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!

The fascinating part is you already know what you want to do. You know what you want to try, attempt, or what direction you want to go in. In most cases, you are afraid of being wrong, not being perfect, afraid to hurt someone else. It is time to build your belief and trust in yourself to help you develop your decision-making muscle to become effective and efficient with your decision-making. 

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Day 8: Mind Training: Stop caring what other people think | Know your worth with this one change!

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

Stop caring what other people think | Know your worth with this one change! Change everything by changing your focus in the heat of the moment to connect back to what actually matters. Use this practice to build on the habit of focusing on you rather than them.

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!

How many things do you do in your day to please someone else? How many words or actions do you own even though they came from someone else? SHOVE IT to interrupt your focus and change the way you think. 

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Day 7: Mind Training: Thriving with Insecurities

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2022

Thriving with Insecurities even when insecurities are at their highest. Learn how to utilize your insecurities rather than them using you. Stop being so dang hard on yourself. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop getting in your own way. It is time to change your inner dialogue. We are making sure your mental foundations are solid!

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!

Unused insecurities are like cars without engines; super inconvenient and won't get you anywhere. Let's learn how to utilize your insecurities! It wasn't until I learned how to fall in love with myself - my short height, high voice, and childlike appearance - that my entire dream life began taking form. Learn from your valuable resource, your insecurities! What are you saying to yourself beyond what you are saying to yourself? Learn to SHOVE IT to breakthrough!


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Day 6: Mind Training: Detach from who you think you are to allow for who you really are

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2022

Detach from who you think you are to allow for who you really are by separating what you think and how you feel from your identity. You must practice and understand that you aren't your thoughts. Your thoughts and feelings are welcomed and allowed. It is time for you to learn how to experience these parts of you while not letting them take over your life. This video is about learning to manage your mind by mastering your focus.


Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!


We are letting ourselves experience how we feel without identifying it. Feel the freedom of letting go of your labels and protect the "I am" that you are! 



SHOVE IT Book: Newest version out April 2, 2022

 Daily SHOVE IT Journal: 


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Day 4: Mind Training | Bust through your insecurities | love yourself easily | simple hack

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2022

Bust through your insecurities | love yourself easily | simple hack you can use right now! Become irresistible with only a few minutes per day to set your mind before the world sets it for you. Love yourself easily with this confidence-building phenomenon.

Your insecurities didn't come from you; you learned them. Your focus has been conditioned to fixate on things that do not serve you long-term. It is time we learn to master the SHOVE IT mindset to interrupt your inner dialogue to learn from it! Insecurities are VALUABLE! Understand the commentary you have behind the internal dialogue you are thinking. Survey your mind! 

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Day 3: Anxiety: How to tame it, love and thrive with it part 1

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2022

Anxiety | How to tame it, love it, and thrive with it in any circumstance. Anxiety comes in all forms and can be the trigger to so many things. Learn how to leverage your anxiety right now to help you rather than hinder you. Guided meditation Practice at the end you can come back to anytime to support you with any mental anguish.

Press Pause, literally! SHOVE IT Nose Pause to become instantly present. When you are present, you are calm, centered, and grounded. Be here, and you will see the shift that happens!

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Day 2: Only mindset hack you need to change everything in 10 seconds or less

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2022

The only mindset hack you need to change everything in ten seconds or less for you to lessen anxiety and become the healthiest, wealthiest, and most irresistible version of yourself. Change your mindset in the heat of the moment with this tool so you can allow the law of attraction to work with you and become the next best version of you!

You've heard about the law of attraction, the power of the mind, and your thoughts creating reality. You've been practicing, or maybe you are stuck. In either case, here is the application to enhance your manifestations.

This is the beginning of your SHOVE IT Mindset Lifestyle

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Day 1: The best way to meditate when you can't!

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022

The best way to meditate for those who can't get their mind to quiet or haven't seen improvement with their practice. Mediation for beginners or those who want to try another strategy. Learn a completely new outlook, practice and try it with me guided right now. Meet me here each weekday for an updated practice to help you train your mind to serve you well.

GOLD MINDING is one of my favorite ways to pour into myself. It takes the pressure off without having to get my mind still with all the benefits of meditation. You've got GOLD inside you. All we need is to mine for it; GOLD MINDING.


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Don't Measure Your Value By How You Are Treated

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2021

Your worth comes from you, not anyone else. The greatest lesson you can learn is to SHOVE IT so you can own your value. How others treat you does not determine your worth.

Negative comments from mothers/mothers-in-law, strangers on social media platforms, judgments from outsiders are not going to get you down any longer. SHOVE IT!

Rebuild your worth by rebuilding your foundations, and you'll be well on your way to the most confident and passionate version of yourself you can be.

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Thank You For Thinking Of Me

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2021

SHOVE IT to taking everything personally.

It is so easy to react to things that happen in your life. It is often automatic to respond from a place of how this is affecting you rather than how can I surprise them? How might I look at their intentions behind their behavior rather than reacting from the surface level?

What if you responded from love? How would peace react to this - react from this place of knowing we are all just doing the best that we can. I'm so proud of you for being here and doing this work to become the best version of you. It is a privilege to have you as part of the Academy.

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