Day 7: Mind Training: Thriving with Insecurities

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2022

Thriving with Insecurities even when insecurities are at their highest. Learn how to utilize your insecurities rather than them using you. Stop being so dang hard on yourself. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop getting in your own way. It is time to change your inner dialogue. We are making sure your mental foundations are solid!

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!

Unused insecurities are like cars without engines; super inconvenient and won't get you anywhere. Let's learn how to utilize your insecurities! It wasn't until I learned how to fall in love with myself - my short height, high voice, and childlike appearance - that my entire dream life began taking form. Learn from your valuable resource, your insecurities! What are you saying to yourself beyond what you are saying to yourself? Learn to SHOVE IT to breakthrough!



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Two Step

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