Tired of  not having enough?


...Not having enough freedom, money, love, or joy?

...Feeling like you're lacking or something is wrong with you; it feels like you can't get life right!

If you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's never good enough, you're not alone.

If you question if life is worth living, you are also not alone:


That is why I'm eager to work on building your athletic mind. Life is the most demanding sport you'll ever play, and we must condition our minds for it. 


It’s Time To Defy Your Own Logic

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and immerse yourself in mental fitness training.



Restructure your mind.

Learn how to disengage from your self-limiting beliefs and anomalous self-concept and disconnect from the noise around you telling you who and what you need to be doing. 

In other words, you will master your mind and learn how to SHOVE IT! 

You'll experience:

  •  Recovering parts of you that you've forgotten to evolve you into who you are ready to be
  • Mind training techniques and body exercises to recondition your mind and prepare you for the sport of a lifetime
  • Change, full-on, actual change

Let's get training for your best match yet.

MODULE #1: Retrospection

What have you been through?Get to know yourself. When you know yourself, you can understand yourself; when you understand, you can change!

MODULE #2: Euphoric Vision

Where are you going? Before you set a goal, you must set a vision to live a life fulfilled. When you have a target, you know where to aim. 

MODULE #3: Liability

You have explored where you've been and where you are going. Now, you must uncover where you are and the blocks preventing you from getting where you are going. 

MODULE #4: Alchemy

You are turning your LEAD into GOLD, pivoting your liability into an asset. Here, we begin to train your mind from where it's been to where you want your life to go. 

MODULE #5: Threshold

You are overcoming obstacles. You've been here before. You've tried to change it, and it hasn't worked. Self-doubt, insecurity, and impatience arise, and here you are given the tools to handle your fear, resistance, and self-limiting patterns. You break the mold here of getting what you are used to to the other side of what you deserve!

MODULE #6: Insecurities

For years, your mind has been conditioned to focus on your flaws, shortcomings, or body imperfections. You will learn how to leverage your insecurities for the first time ever, not erase them. You don't want to get rid of them. You want to utilize them. They are valuable GOLD!

MODULE #7: Obedience

Whose voice are you listening to? There are so many voices in your own mind, plus the input and influence from others, that it is hard to discern where you begin and the other ends. This module is learning to go within before you seek without.

MODULE #8: Nemesis

We all do it. We know we shouldn't stay up so late, remain in a relationship that doesn't serve us, eat six extra chocolate bars when the world begins to sleep or refrain from strapping on those shoes to exercise a healthy lifestyle. You are going to learn about your behaviors and triggers and finally mitigate those things causing you mental anguish.

MODULE #9: Synergy

Relationships are learning how to relate to each other. This module teaches how to decipher what you need and want and how to communicate effectively, especially in times of confrontation and boundary securing. 

MODULE #10: Harmony

As you look back on your work, you will see that the foundation of it all is always you. You are always with you no matter where you are, what you are doing, or who else you are with. This module shows you how to master yourself, control your reactions, and remain rooted in your peace. 

MODULE #11: Impossible

No matter how much work you do on yourself, life will still catch you off guard and break your heart. Pain is part of life. Here, you explore your stress levels, support mechanisms, and strategies for emotional management. 

MODULE #12: Pursuit

All the work you've done has prepared you for this module to close out on establishing your new self-concept, life style routine and commitment to your continued evolution. 

Personalzied Coaching


Put the techniques you learn into practice during week and follow up with weekly coaching via email and opportunity for group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own mental fitness journey.

This is a full immersion course where the course content is tailored to your specific needs. We have the foundation for you to learn, but as you fill out your email check-in forms we navigate the journey together. You will have videos and practices each week, and 1:1 email support. 

Let's get training! 


I'm Jenna.

For the past decade, I've been a mind coach for athletes.

I believe life is a sport, and we have to mentally prepare ourselves to handle it.

Before my athletes went pro, they had to get the fundamentals of their sport down - dribbling, footing, passing, making plays, shooting, etc.

In the same way, before you make it to the big leagues, you must get your mental foundations down first.

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Foundations to secure your mental fundamentals for the biggest game of all: your life.

"I use the mind conditioning strategies I learned daily. They help me show up for myself and my family in incredible ways."

Greg K. 

"I have a completely changed self-concept. I have a new lifestyle. Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful."

Athena S. 


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:

1 Module

$499 US

4 weeks (SALE PRICE)

  • Access to 1 module of your choice
  • Mind Conditioning around your focused issue
  • Personalized support
  • Weekly email support, and one group call

6 Modules

$733.00 US

8 weeks (SALE PRICE)

  • Intro + wrap up module bonus
  • Access to 1 new module every 7 days
  • Access to 2 monthly group coaching call
  • Group office hour scheduling available
  • Weekly email accountability and support


$1234.00 US

16 weeks (SALE PRICE)

  • Access to 1 new module every 7 days
  • Weekly 1:1 email support and accountability check-ins
  • Group office hour scheduling
  • Online SHOVE IT Journal access and download
  • Audio versions of the SHOVE IT book modules
  • Personalized content to address your specific issues and needs


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your experience, let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. No questions asked.