Day 9: Mind Training: How to make decisions you don't know how to make

Uncategorized Mar 02, 2022

How to make decisions you don't know how to make because you care so much you don't want to hurt anyone, disappoint anyone, and more than anything, you are mentally exhausted. You are so much in your head. You make so many decisions in a day. When it comes to your lightweight decisions, you constantly have to choose, and your heavy-weighted decisions become gigantic, and it is hard to wrap your mind around them. Your mental capacity is burdened; SHOVE IT!

Welcome to the SHOVE IT Academy!

The fascinating part is you already know what you want to do. You know what you want to try, attempt, or what direction you want to go in. In most cases, you are afraid of being wrong, not being perfect, afraid to hurt someone else. It is time to build your belief and trust in yourself to help you develop your decision-making muscle to become effective and efficient with your decision-making. 


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