Uncategorized Aug 15, 2021

Why are you doing this again? 

...to uplift your entire life in every area of your life

...to actually experience something different

...to model and become the leader you want to be for those watching you

...to rebuild your foundation! 

You have a powerful mind. A mind that controls everything you percieve about your life and your percepting is what determines your life. SHOVE IT to train your mind to get control of your circumstances and state of mind. It is time to break through. You are ready to get out of your own way and out of your own mind to get back into the life you want to lead. 

What I know not knowing you is that you didn't mean to think this way. You didn't mean to have this relationship with food, weight or your body. You didn't mean to get wrappped up in a reklationship that doesn't serve you or to have people pleasing tendacnies. You didn't mean to get here and the fact that you are here thinking the way you are is not your fault and yet it is your responsibilty. 

You have accepted the challenge and have done the bravest thing you've ever done; learning to SHOVE IT!

You are exactly where you need to be and exactly where you belong. Welcome home to the SHOVE IT Academy! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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