Best Path is the Path Where the Crowd Doesn't Lead

Uncategorized Oct 03, 2021

SHOVE IT to following the crowd this week!

Do what you want to do for yourself for a change. If you want to wear a belly shirt, wear a belly shirt! If you have a vision, go after it!

Look, I get it. My friends were getting married and having babies while I was out there chasing a dream hosting retreats, and traveling all over. There were times when yes, I thought I was crazy. I felt lonely and wondered if I had made a mistake. Until I realized I didn't make a mistake, I was just doing life differently. I'll still have my family and the life I want, and I'll get to live my wildest dreams too. It is all perfectly unfolding, so stay in your own lane. Focus on yourself and let go of everybody else for a little while. You are onto something amazing!


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