Uncategorized Mar 14, 2021

Pillar/Module #1 of the SHOVE IT for DIVORCE: TRUE LOVE snapshot

When I was in my twenties, one of my good friends, Nat, got married and divorced within a short period of time. She was devastated. So, as best friends would, I did as much as I could to best support her. I sent Nat silly messages to make her laugh, I brought her favorite snacks over to her house on a random Tuesday, and I did my best to comfort her in her time of need. I got creative. I listened, I answered her phone calls at any hour, I put Nat above anything else. 

Then, my 5-year my relationship ended a year later. Abruptly.

It was my turn to move to a new place, divvy up our belongings, and begin again. He broke my heart. I could barely see through my tears because I would cry so hard. I didn't have the energy to shower or even fix my hair, but I forced myself to get up still, keep all my commitments, and tend to all the things.

Where was Nat? Great question. 

This was when I realized. In every situation, we only ever have ourselves. And more importantly, how we show up for others, we must show up for ourselves in the same way.

I skipped work for her. I splurged on her favorite things. I bought her a massage. Why wasn't I doing anything like that for myself?


 Your relationship with yourself is the most valuable, trustworthy, and delicate one of your life. Prove it! 

Find true love after your divorce. You will love again, deeper and more passionate than ever before. I promise you this. 

See you in the first Pillar of the SHOVE IT for Divorce Course: True Love.



50% Complete

Two Step

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