Foundational Secrets to Building a Happy, Long-term Relationship

Uncategorized May 13, 2020

“Jenna, my wife keeps calling me her husband, and I think my wife’s definition of a husband is a person who just doesn’t meet expectations.” 


Although my client was laughing when he said this, I could see the genuine concern in his eyes. He seemed exhausted and fed up. Where did the relationship go? It started so great and was magical at the beginning, and then over time, love was lost. They haven’t been happy together for years. 


Intimate relationships are messy and beautiful. They trigger us, challenge us, and also aliven and comfort us. Some days, relationships feel like work, and other days they feel easy and peaceful. 


Love changes, grows and expands in ways we could never have predicted. Love is not just a feeling, but also energy, an energy that requires action. There is a difference between loving someone and practicing love. Practicing love means being unconditional, compassionate, and kind. Loving someone often looks like words without action. Words without action mean nothing.   


Sometimes when love changes, it feels like it fades. It can feel lost. However, love is never lost but often misplaced. They are misplaced through seasons and changes within life, like when we have different stresses like children. Our love grows, but our partnerships become strained, primarily when we don’t focus on it. When our focus changes, the object of our love changes too. We overlook what is right in front of us. It is nothing to be ashamed of; it is just essential to notice. 


Let’s windway back. Where could we have gone wrong in our current relationship, and how can we fix it? How can we start from where we are and create our dream family life? Head straight to the mini-course if you want all the details and how-to steps or keep reading for the high-level overview and head after that. 


If you have been in a relationship for a while, and you have lost touch, the video outlines three qualities you must take into account to identify the changing factors. If you are building a new relationship, it is crucial to take into account these same three qualities to ensure you are not pretending to be someone you are not (because this will get old). You are not in the relationship to fill a void or make you feel worthy. You get to survey your inner gut feelings here too. Was there, or are there parts of you that doubted this relationship in the first place? If your future vision doesn’t include this person, or you are not in this person’s future, then we both know you both deserve more than that. 


Questions to ask yourself to make sure your foundation is stable for a happy, long-term partnership:


  1. Where have you not been authentic? How is it showing up now in your relationship?
  2. Why do you want to be in a relationship with this person? Reflect on previous relationships, do you see any patterns?
  3. Do you see a future with this person, and does this person see a future with you?


If you’ve been in this relationship for a long time and perhaps you are married with children now, but you feel disconnected, ask yourself these questions:


  1. Where are you hiding your truth? What are you afraid of happening?
  2. Why did you fall in love with your partner? Why did you choose this person in the first place? Why did your partner pick you?
  3. What are the two of you looking forward too? What has changed? Where might the disconnect be?


Also, there are three components you must be clear on as you build your new relationship or deepen the one that you have:


  1. You must understand what is important to you – what do you value?
  2. You must understand your expectations – what are you not willing to tolerate?
  3. You must know how to handle your emotions – what routines and practices do you have in place to help you cope through times of stress?

 In the video, I talk about these points quickly and give you a full overview. Make sure to sign up so you don't miss the details of each point.  

What is one thing that resonates with you? What are you taking away from my words?


To help you create a happy, long-term relationship, you must consider these important qualities. When you are ready to build your dream family life with the partner you have or get through a breakup and be prepared to manifest the right one, sign up for the minicourse, and you will be guided through all of these qualities in detail. 

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