SHOVE IT Journal!

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2021

You are setting your mind before the world sets it for you!

You must prepare your mind the way you prepare for your day. You must train your mind like you train your body. And, you must clean your mind like you clean your house. You've never given your mind the kind of attention it requires to thrive. You live in your mind, and you take your mind with you wherever you go. I intend to show you have to create a headspace you love.

The SHOVE IT Journal begins with creating your Euphoric Vision. We have a completely immersive training for you in the SHOVE IT Foundational Course if you wish to dive in deeper. If you haven't taken the course yet, we have a brief overview for you here.

The bulk of the journal is your training program. After you have set your vision, you are ready to dive into the bulk of the journal training program. Every morning, you will wake up and fill in the morning journal section. Each part is critical for your mental fitness warm-up, so please do not skip out on any sections. You will be setting yourself up for success as you enter into your day. Welcome to the best day yet!

As you prepare for slumber, get into your comfy clothes, wash your face and brush your teeth and then sink down with a pen and your journal to cool your mind down like you cool your body down after a workout. You have shut your mind down after the crazy day you just had! Fill out each section in the journal, repeat a little affirmation and close your eyes to drift off to the best sleep yet!
Wake up and repeat.

The morning and evening GOLD MINDING sections are the revelations you get from these practices. Suppose you choose to do a different type of mediation that is completely acceptable and valid. Write a few comments of anything that came up for you as you allowed your mental chatter to quiet.

Complete the journal consecutively for 80 days, and then reflect back on how far you've come. Your mindset will be changing! I can't wait to hear about how it goes! When I get close to filling it out, I buy another one, so I never go a day without because I see how my mindset becomes stronger, uplifting, and stable with every rep.

Congratulations on developing the most powerful mindset you've ever had!



50% Complete

Two Step

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